The Buddha (ref: Sanskrit, 'Awakened One'), in his first sermon following his Enlightenment, shared with the world his map on how to become a Buddha. These simple rules formed the foundation for all of his other teachings. The teachings that the world at large knows are only reflections of the original, filtered through the limited understanding of the Masses. The true teachings are preserved within a lineage of Ascended Adepts, tracing back their origins to one of the Lamas present for the Buddha's first sermon in Sarnath.
1. Dukkha: Suffering
All that is of the Fallen World suffers. Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death it suffering. The Fallen World is the place of birth, aging, illness and death; all that are within the Fallen World suffer.
2. Samudaya: The Cause
The Fallen World is the place of suffering because it is the place of attachment. All that is within the Fallen World is connected, bound in
Indra's Net. Connection and attachment breed suffering; unity and ascent are impossible so long as the world is divided. All that is within the Supernal Realm is beyond differentiation; all are one when one is Enlightened to the Truth.
3. Nirodha: The End
Suffering may be ceased by destroying all attachments, all desires, all cravings. By extinguishing all of the emanations of the Fallen, the true unity of the Supernal may rise above. Eliminate the physical form, all physical desires, all mental blockages, and all spiritual ailments, in order to rise above. Only the most sublime soul may rise above the Fallen, resisting Mara's temptation to fall into Naraka in order to rise into the Supernal and find Enlightenment past the Watchtowers.
4. Marga: The Path
In order to cease all attachments, to cure all ailments and remove all blockages, one must abide certain behaviors. They are:
* right view (to see the world with eyes unclouded by hate, understanding Suffering, its Cause, its End and the Path to that end),
* right intention (always direct your energies and your effort toward Enlightenment),
* right speech (speak without hatred or attachment; speak only truths, and refrain from such speech as would distract from the Path),
* right action (do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, do not engage in harmful sexual practices, do not cloud your mind with intoxicants),
* right livelihood (live a lifestyle directed toward the preservation of life, rather than the consumption of life it),
* right effort (always endeavor to cleanse the lens of your consciousness, so that you may see the world clearly and without attachments),
* right mindfulness (stay ever alert, acting always with the fullest understanding of the world and of oneself),
* right concentration (spend time in contemplation and meditation, that you may thereby free yourself of attachment to the physical shell by focusing energies within and toward Enlightenment)