Oct 10, 2005 22:28
I swear to God I dont understand... I have yet to meet a man that is worthy of not being bashed... I mean I know there have to be some good ones out there but... I have actually met a few that I thought would go into the non- bashing group only to be proven wrong...
Maybe had I treated him like shit from the get go things might be different... But ohhhh fuck no I had to go an totally be out of character and be just a sweet lil nice oh so loving dumbass... Fuck being nice and sweet everafuckingain... I fucking refuse to shed one more goddamn tear... Fuck it all...
This game is over and fucking done...
He leaves tomorrow... I know exactly where I fucking stand with him now... Fuck it I have 6 months to get over and move on... I mean holy hell I asked if he was gonna come see me tonight... His response was, 'I will see what I can do'... Well I get a fucking phone call today from him today for him to tell me, 'Its not looking like I am gonna get down that way tonight. I just have so much I have to get done.'... WHAT THA FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... FUCK HIS GODDAMN ASS!!!!
I so dont need that shit... Yeah I know just how important I am to him right now... He couldnt take and hour and a half out of his busy schedule to come see me for just a lil while... Poooffff be fucking gone... I wouldnt be so pissed if it was gonna be where he could stop by on the way to the airport in the morning but ohhh wouldnt you know he wouldnt be flying out of Birmingham but fucking Atlanta!!!!!!... He also tells me this afternoon that when I get off work he will be at home... Like my damn ass is gonna drive up there... I am so fucking not!!!... I am the one that has done all of it... The downhill slope just made a sharpe dive straight fucking down... Crash and fucking burn....
Ohhh and Jon if by chance you read this I so dont need any smartarse remarks, if you dont mind...