Oct 30, 2005 17:02
I'm so sorry . I vowed to you undieing love and cut you to the quick . I never ment to do you harm my darkness gained control over all i was and now i am felt alone . I watched myself but couldnt see a way to stop myself . the unexplainible embalance that grabbed control must have made me hurt all those i love , but now that i have taken control of all that i am for the moment i wanted to take a moment to say how truely alone and mornful i am for the loss of you . i know you will never read this and i geuss i cannot blame you for i am at fault for all that has come to be . I cannot hide from the demons i have slane and they still have life inside them but i am trying , fighting , staying in charge so i will at least have the memorys of you . I vowed to you my love and that it would always be for you , in this i stumbled but my feeling where always sted fast and i love you now as much as i did in my freshmab year . I cannot except this lonely ness as our ending and i hope one day you'll here me out . For all that i am still longs and belongs to be with you for in the end i am bond to you , by my love and faithfulness in my mental promises to you . It may have been a mistake to vow this young but i did mean everyword i spoke , I am so sorry my love . I hope one day you can forgive and understand . BE SAFE and know that for all i am i am always yours .