It's Friday again

Oct 23, 2009 21:29

I successfully caught the mouse who has been unashamedly sharing my bedroom today… I feel a bit bad :( It’s one thing to watch my dog, Monty, playing with a mouse, because I know he doesn’t really mean them any harm… It’s not his fault their little hearts stop when they decide not to play with him anymore. But it’s another thing entirely to set a trap, which I had to do in this case, because this mouse was entirely too courageous (he actually ran between poor Monty’s legs the other morning). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sorry his furry, little body is no longer residing somewhere in my bedroom, but I just feel… bad.

Mitch has gone camping for the weekend with his best mate. He also managed to get off work early today… The leading hand’s seventeen year old daughter came into the workshop today and my charming son started chatting her up *rolls eyes* Who does that to their boss’ daughter? When the boss is there? Anyway, when she decided to leave, she convinced her daddy that Mitch had to escort her to the bus stop *gags* so he let Mitch off early.

Us girls watched hubby play softball tonight. They lost again, but there was no shame in it; the team they played are allegedly A Grade, but nominated for D Grade, so they can win a pennant. Completely disgusting, and if they think winning the pennant three grades below their level is an achievement, then they seriously need their heads examined. Hubby is very sore tonight; he can hardly walk *frowns* He took one very nasty fall during the game, but he said he was sore before that. I can already see it’s going to be such a fun weekend…

hubby, softball, work, kids, wildlife

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