Not a good week to be on my bad side...

May 07, 2009 22:59

Hubby wasn’t working on Monday, because the prime mover was at the mechanic’s being serviced… It was a really bad idea for him to stay home. First he was in my way all morning, while I was trying to sort out a grocery shopping list, so I didn’t get to the supermarket until 11am. I left him home while I did the shopping, thinking it was the smart thing to do, but I think I should have taken him with me. While I was gone, he decided that we need a flat screen for the lounge room *big sighs* The moment I returned he started bouncing around wanting to go and have a look at some. Thank goodness I insisted on packing the shopping away first, because we spent the next three hours at the shops looking at flat screens and waiting for staff to see if they could find the home theatre system that he wants that’s not display stock - they couldn’t. In the end we didn’t get anything, because the only home theatre system they could find was the one in store and it had been on the floor for six weeks, and they only offered us $75 off the price for the ‘floor stock discount’ *rolls eyes* This means we’re looking for a flat screen and new home theatre system *wails* I hate ‘shopping hubby’ mode!

Mitch’s three week old cell phone shut down on Tuesday night and wouldn’t turn back on. After testing the obvious (the battery charge) with no joy, I decided that it had to be returned. I didn’t think this would be a problem, seeing as it’s a Nokia phone and they’re sold with a thirty day early failure replacement warranty. Oh how wrong I was!

Wednesday afternoon I headed down to the electronics store where I bought the phone and they refused to replace it O.o Not only did they refuse to replace it, but I was told this by the assistant manager of the store, who happened to have the most appalling attitude I’ve ever come across. I had been really pleasant up to this point, but then I lost the friendly, happy demeanour and turned on the business voice. She wasn’t swayed, despite the manufacturer’s warranty and suggested that I head up to the Optus store (phone carrier) in the centre and get them to help me, so I did.

I spoke to the manager of the Optus store, and he informed me that this particular electronics store had a habit of sending customers with warranty claims to them, which put them in a difficult position, because there was little they could do (as the stock wasn’t theirs as such) apart from offer advice on how to deal with the electronics store. I did what he told me to next: go back to the electronics store, slam my fist on the counter and demand a replacement phone, and if they still didn’t comply threaten them with legal action…

It still didn’t work. In fact, the assistant manager of the electronics store stood in front of me and recited their returns policy over and over for about five minutes O.o In the end, I totally lost my temper (having PMS didn’t exactly help me keep cool either). I called her a stupid bitch, told her she was making a fool of herself by reciting that crap for so long and that I was certainly going to be taking this further - like to her head office, the phone manufacturer and our national consumer protection body (ACCC)… Then I discovered that my deduction that she was a stupid bitch couldn’t have been more right, because she started to recite their returns policy again. I walked out of store before the urge to jump the counter and smack her in the face became a reality. Oh and I told her she could go f#$k herself on the way out *oops*

I returned to Optus to inform them of the electronics store was doing to customers who bought phones connected to their service. This time I spoke to the assistant manager. After I’d explained the whole thing again, she told me that she would have flattened her if she’d done that to her *sniggers* They advised that I phone Nokia direct, report the electronics store’s behaviour and let the relevant authorities that control consumer protection, along with the head office of the electronics store. They actually offered to let me make the calls from their store. I declined, because I really needed to go home and calm down before I moved forward, given the mood I was in, which had progressed to murderous.

Mitch was with me while all of this was going on… Well, he was sort of with me; he kept trying to pretend he wasn’t with me, especially when my temper began to rise.

With all that happening, my adrenalin was pumping and I wasn’t really feeling anything much until this morning when I put my injured leg on the floor and just about passed out *pouts* I was actually doing quite well this week, but all that stomping around the shopping centre I feel like I’ve slipped backwards.

This morning I called Nokia. Unfortunately, I got a gentleman who didn’t speak English all that well, so the conversation was tedious. It took me a some time to get through to him that the electronics store weren’t interested in helping me at all and didn’t acknowledge the thirty day exchange warranty. He just kept telling me that I had to return to the point of purchase to swap the phone for a new one. In the end, I got him to give me the number of our state’s Nokia service centre and I phoned them. They suggested that I send the phone directly to them and they’d deal with replacing it *g*

I’ve also lodged a complaint against the assistant manager of the electronics store with her head office (she really shouldn’t be working in any job that requires contact with anything that has a beating heart) and I’ve reported them to the ACCC for not acknowledging manufacturers warranty conditions.

When the girls and I were coming home from netball last night we noticed that there was a lot of traffic going past our house. The only explanation I could come up with was a road block/diversion on the highway that was forcing traffic into the area - this happens when there’s a serious accident on the highway. I phoned hubby to warn him, because he wasn’t home at the time, but he’d be heading home soon enough.

When hubby arrived the diversion was still in place and he’d found out what had happened. Apparently, it was a fatal accident - pedestrian versus B-train (prime mover plus two trailers).

At football training tonight we were discussing the accident and what had come out during the day. The Junior Director had been told that the victim was an Aboriginal and had been pushed in front of the truck during a fight, then the Aboriginals turned their attention on the truck driver. Maddy was eavesdropping and suddenly announced that it was the father of one of her classmate’s who had died.

The identity came as a bit of a shock, because we all know this particular man and he’s actually quite decent (when he’s sober). Three or four of his boys play football at our club (I think they’re all seniors by now, unless some of the much younger ones are playing non-scoring), Maddy’s at school with a couple of his other kids, including her classmate, and Tori’s at school with his oldest daughter. I actually don’t know exactly how many kids there are in total (it’s got to be nearing ten), because contraception obviously isn’t a concern.

Hubby came home with a few more details, via other truck drivers. Apparently, a car hit him first and flung him into the air and into the path of a B-train travelling 100km an hour.

I do know that there had been an ongoing clan ‘war’ (I don’t use this term lightly, but it’s the most accurate way to describe what happens when they decide to go at each other) and it had sparked up again yesterday. Of course, there’s been no official word yet, so we’re all keeping our ears open for that.

What’s got us worried now is the funeral. Aboriginal families are massive. They all seem to be related in some manner and they freely admit it. Funerals for them are huge deals and the entire extended families gather for them. Our area is going to be swamped with grieving family members who are going to want revenge… Not a nice situation, because these people don’t just fight, they declare war. I should imagine the police are already preparing for whatever comes, because of the ongoing problems involving this family and another family in the area.

Tomorrow morning I’m going to a Mother’s Day morning tea party in Maddy’s classroom. My mother is coming down, so she’ll have to come as well.

Saturday is going to be a nightmare. We have two netball games and four football games (my boys and the three senior sides all at home). I finally got my team’s football Guernseys on Tuesday; they’re going to look so good on Saturday!

hubby, neighbourhood, netball, shopping, current affairs, football

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