I overslept a little this morning *oops* I was so tired that I bombed last night, and I didn’t hear my alarm go off this morning. Besides being a little rushed, I did get everything done in time.
The first order of the day was to get the girls registered to play netball. This only took ten minutes (plus travelling time). Tori also joined the association umpiring squad; she’ll get a mentor through this squad and be able to earn up to $15 for each game she umpires.
Next was the audit I’ve been dreading for three months…
What was I worried about? I forgot I wasn’t depending on someone else’s paperwork to get us through - I’d done the paperwork! (and I’m anal)
The auditor told me no less than half a dozen times how impressed he was with my paperwork and how I’d set up the recording systems. It was the best set up he’d ever seen *preens* The actual entry audit is supposed to take between three and four hours; we were done in twenty minutes and that included discussing children, the economy, various other transport companies, etc… *grins* Why? Because everything he asked for I could put my hand on right away and show him the completed system for that area!
Anyway, it equated to a PASS! We just have to wait for his official report, so we can send everything to Main Roads and they’ll return with the permits *bounces* This means we’re right until this time next year, when he’ll come back and check our systems again.
For the rest of the day, hubby and I generally relaxed. All the tension and worry has left us both feeling drained, and the cooler weather isn’t helping either, because I really just want to snuggle up in bed *g*
Tori’s sleeping at her best friend’s house tonight, so Maddy’s best friend is sleeping at our house. Mitch is with the girlfriend at the moment, but he’s ditching her later to go fishing with his best mate *smirk*