Feb 01, 2009 20:17
I saw my nephews today *bounces* It was a wonderful afternoon, despite the inhuman conditions! They’re coming back down in two weeks for another visit.
When we woke up this morning our floors were actually damp from the combination of the humidity and the air conditioner. Talk about uncomfortable!
BIL didn’t come down *shakes head* He turned his phone off and SIL couldn’t get hold of him. We have a couple of theories as to why he’s avoiding us, but the most likely is that he doesn’t want to face his big brother (hubby). You see, he crashed his truck because he fell asleep at the wheel and he knows big brother will be… well… vocal about making such a stupid mistake. Hubby’s theory has always been if you need sleep, you pull over and sleep; it’s far better to be running late than not make it at all. If he had any sense, he’d just come down and front his big brother and get it over with, because hubby has a very long memory!
Both hubby and I are so tired today. We were up very late last night with some drama going on across the other side of the park (it’s a bit hard to sleep when you can actually hear someone getting the stuffing belted out of them), and the weather is so draining. I think the only thing that really kept us going today was the fact that our nephews were here :)
The kids go back to school tomorrow *squee* I’m not really looking forward to getting up at some ungodly hour, but it will be nice to find a routine again. I do feel for them on the weather front - it's going to be 38C with high humidity tomorrow *frowns*