If I get hold of them I'd shove a flourescent tube up their arse...

Jul 17, 2008 20:23

We arrived at the football club for training this afternoon to find one of our ovals (the one we train on) covered in smashed up fluorescent tubes. We lost count of how many end pieces we found. The little ferals had kicked in the kitchen door, broken into our change rooms and then found a whole lot of fluorescent tubes the local council had left behind in one of the store rooms. What we don’t understand is why they then carried them from there to the middle of the oval to smash them up when the car park is a lot closer and would have given them more ‘bang’ for their trouble. This all happened between 3pm (when the Junior Football Manager left the club) and 4pm (when we arrived for training).

The police have been called and they’re sending a forensic team to examine the scene, but we can’t help think it was a deliberate attack. Why would anyone walk 100+ meters before smashing them? If they were just about making a mess they would have smashed them everywhere, but the bulk of it is right in the middle of a playing oval and it radiates out from there. There’s nothing off the playing surface.

Of course, until the mess is cleaned up and all the shards of that horrid fine glass removed (god only knows how they’re going to manage that) the oval can’t be used.

In other news, we’re under a severe weather alert yet again. There’s a nasty cold front coming in and we’re expecting gale force winds, thunder, hail… you name it, we’re getting it.

weather, current affairs, football

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