I had this dream a few days ago actually

Oct 28, 2008 07:18

9:30 AM 
me: its true
  if there is infact a hell i'm def. going..
  but i think it is more calling the waffer's at church jesus jerky
9:32 AM i actually had a dream the other night that my mother, cousin, aunt and a bunch of other people i used to go to church w/ tried to convert me back to christianity
9:34 AM me: it was intense. during the service there was a part where i was to go to this other plain of existence. which i did.. and the huge marble statue of jesus started to glow blue then i was there.. and he was flesh.. only it wasn't jesus.. or it was jesus but it was actually dionysus
  and he seduced me
  or actually i think he raped me
9:35 AM or maybe it was consensual i can't remember

me: all i know is that i had sex w/ him however when i came out of the altered state everyone expected me to be christian since i met jesus..
  i couldn't tell them that it was actually dionysus that they were worshiping
9:36 AM but i told htem that i would meditate on it and get back to them
  then they started going cult on my asss
  it was bad

me: :)
9:37 AM welcome to my dreams
9:38 AM i think the fact that a friend was telling me about this book that was comparing jesus to dionysus and saying that they were the same.. or actually that the christian religion brought over dionysus to be a saint to get more pagans to christianity..


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