Jun 28, 2008 21:29
research paper.
So i'm wondering what to write about for my research paper.
Originally i was thinking it would be fun to write about GMO's w/ an emphisis on genetically modified foods however that was a suggestion given in class sooooo it isn't exactly something new and fresh. Then i thought perhaps doing how people today seem to want that token gay friend because of will and grace. my writing juices seemed to have disappeared. I dont even write my dreams in here any more. Very sad becuase i've had some doozies recently.. but just have't felt compelled to record them.
Last night i had a sex dream about dimi. w/ danielle watching... that was disturbing. very very disturbing. :P but the sex was good so i guess that is fine.
perhaps if i start writing about my dreams i will feel more compelled to write when i need to.