(no subject)

Sep 24, 2011 14:04

So, I've really kind of discovered how amazing Supernatural is. I spent that past three months getting completely caught up just in time to watch the amazing first episode of season seven. I used to be afraid that it would be to scary for me, cause I'm a bit of a wuss, but it's really kind of not. Even the episodes with zombies haven't been bad enough to really freak me out which is saying something.

All of that said, I've decided to combine my two biggest loves right now Supernatural and Glee for a Nano this year. I feel very strongly for both of these shows so I have a little more faith in being able to complete a story, not to mention since both shows just got started again I doubt my love for either will diminish before Nano is over. Here's hoping.

Although, I fear for Glee. The season premiere did very little for me, while Supernatural blew me away. C'mon Glee, I'm not really that hard to please or impress. Here's hoping it gets better from here on.

As far as my hc_bingo goes, I'm pretty sure there's no way in hell I'm finishing again this year, which means I can't get a card next year. Bummer.

Back to plotting my nano...possibly writing a prequel to get a feel for the 'verse. Good times.
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