Title: And so life goes on
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: #80 - Rule number seven
Word Count: 1105
Warnings: everything up to 2x22 - All Hell Breaks Loose part2
Rating: umm...PG-13 for a small amount of bad language
Summary: It's about 80 years after the events of All Hell Breaks Loose part 2, and things aren't going so well for planet Earth.
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Comments 6
Couple of little typos:
look like they did when they're [their] pictures
now a days - I think should be one word?
Oops! Sorry for the typo's - I wonder how both Word and I missed them? Thanks for pointing them out, though I'm not too sure about 'now a days', it looks a bit wrong both ways.
his brothers life - should be brother's
doesn't meant - should be mean
being not alone - not being alone
working from more - working more from
wincchesters' - doesn't need the '
tis good hun *nods* - a very interesting take - and a very bleak idea of what could still be..... :)
Yeah, I was kinda going for slightly bleak, and then this came along and went very bleak, but there's some hope in there too (I hope!).
They've gotta get Dean outta the deal, but whether either of them'll still be recognisable as "Dean" or "Sammy" once Dean's been 'saved' is another matter entirely *shivers*
Sorry for not replying before this, but LJ obviously decided not to tell me you'd left me a comment *glares at LJ*
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