Nov 25, 2006 04:06

Everyone on my flist, please check to see that I still have you listed as a friend. Tim brought to my attention that he was removed from my friends list on both MySpace and here, and once I got to checking, there's a lot of other people removed from my flists on both sites. I am beyond fucking pissed right now.

Thank you!

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rainylondonight November 25 2006, 09:34:43 UTC
Yus. I'm still there - sucks to be you ;)


dragons_f_wolf November 25 2006, 10:48:28 UTC
Your compassion and sypthahy along with your lovely words of hope when things look dark are why you are on my flist.



rainylondonight November 25 2006, 11:37:25 UTC
Ooooo, burn!


dragons_f_wolf November 25 2006, 11:45:35 UTC
lol. sypthahy<--- I'm just glad you look over my idiotic typos.


rainylondonight November 25 2006, 11:47:17 UTC
That's ok. I swore to myself that I'd never complain after I made the most disasterous typo in the world. Meant to say to an ex-bf "your pic is beautiful", ended up saying "your piss is beautiful".

Yeah. I pretty much died right there.


dragons_f_wolf November 25 2006, 12:02:09 UTC
Oh, hell. Yeah, that's pretty bad, I can't lie. lol


rainylondonight November 25 2006, 12:16:59 UTC
I can only hope to hell it wasn't a Freudian slip. I'd have to kill myself.


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