[Voice Post]

Dec 12, 2009 23:54

[The communicator switches on and Lillet takes a deep breath. She sounds a little nervous.]

I heard a bit of talk about Christmas, which is something we celebrate in my world too. I'm not sure what your Christmas customs are, but back on the farm we would decorate an evergreen tree, bring home the yule log and wassail throughout the twelve days.

It's a wonderful time of celebration, and we eat a lot of salted pork, and eat cake soaked in cider (though sometimes brandy if the apple crops were poor).

There's one tradition I've never been fond of, though I like one of the songs to it and that's the hunting of the wren. I'm not sure if your familiar with this tradition but it's not pleasant.

Still, the song is. And if you want to share songs and traditions from your world, I'd love to hear about them!

[She takes another breath and begins to sing. Her voice isn't entirely unpleasant in a quiet, lilting sort of way, though a little off-key mostly due to nerves.]

joy, health, love and peace
be all here in this place
by your leave we will sing
concerning our king

our king is well dressed
in the silks of the best
in ribbons so rare
no king can compare

we have traveled many miles
over hedges and stiles
in search of our king
unto you we bring

we have powder and shot
to conquer the lot
we have cannon and ball
to conquer them all

old Christmas is past
twelve tide is the last
and we bid you adieu
great joy to the new

[ooc note: In Grim Grimoire there is a heavy overtone of Christianity (god, the devils, angels, etc. Margerita even came from a town that still burned witches at the stake) so I'm assuming they do have some kind of Christmas celebration. However, Lillet's traditions would obviously be much more rustic, old-fashioned, and involving a lot of the older superstitions, the occult, and Christianized pre-Christianity traditions. The song above is sung by Steeleye Span and is called The King. Give it a listen as it's a beautiful acapella harmony.]

witchy witch, thinking of family, carroling, please to see the king, home

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