May 03, 2005 12:58
Heya dudes and dudettes!
Yayyyy!! internet *relishes* ohhh how i miss it.
My internet is totaly buggerd! it sucks ass but my computer is getting sent away and mundo upgraded so hopefully it will be back and fixed soon.
And steph! letter soon!!! I miss you my sweet! ttysoon hopefully *hug*
Do you know what?
No really do u?
WHAT!?!? No ofcourse not ur dirty little mind!
lol, well. Ive decided...
Maths sounds like............................*suspencfull music*.......
Hahahaha long story... dw.
Well the batch was kool, but i dont plan on telling u about it cuz if u dnt already know then u dont want to lol, apart from the fact that i ecided maybe i should eat sum soap or sumthing lol. anywho... Not much to say really, back t school, which sux but i like seeing every1 again ^.^ but yeah, dkjfsljbfhsdkljgsldf. mhhm yes.
well io beta do sum work and comments!