Nov 26, 2004 16:15
the time for His long awaited return has finally come...
Sorry for not updating...ever
I swear ill try to be a little more religious about it. Not much hapenin (may be i should stop saying that, it is a little redundant sn't it?) ah well, thanksgiving was yesterday and i hope every one had a great holiday. My mom's out right now and wont be back till around 10:30 (woot!)
I did alright on my report card: chem-A (of course), Gym-B, Espanol (darn cant do the ~ thingy, ah well)-A, culyba-B, Vis comm-A (durh), DemmDog-A, General Mills-A
ne way not doin much today, tomorrow im playing Dungeons and dragons with the group ( i think everyone knows i play DnD...hmm whatever, now you know)i need something to do on onday though, i dont want to be too bored.
i guess thats it,
"Never. Ever. Get on a wizard's bad side, you are combustible, and you do conduct elctricity."- DnD related quote but hopefully everyone else understands it as well.