Sep 24, 2005 00:24
Underling: "But you ARE the man"
CEO: "Yeah..."
Underling: "So, you're sticking it to yourself?"
CEO: "I guess"
Haha, comercials are fun.
Well, this evening was... interesting. I'm not going to go into most of it. It's really not important. But I got back to town around 8. We (Mom, Krista, and I) went to Mancino's for some food. We saw Bran-chan, and I got the low down for the evening. Brandy got to my house before 9. We waited on Marx and we all headed out in the BGOM. Coffee D'Vine was wonderful as always. Got to meet the now infamous Nick. He is pretty hot Brandy:D I finally got my evil twin there. Of course, not one but two of her ex's were there. Haha, one left right before she got there. The other ended up having a friend that I have bio with. Haha, small world. She doesn't like him... I don't really know him. Anyway, there was a party after. We didn't stay long. Brandy and I were going to go back. But it ended up that we didn't. Now I'm slightly bored and getting tired now that I'm sitting on my ass.
Looks like we'll be going to see The Corpse Bride tomorrow. I think we're all really excited^-^ Later