Stress, and a little bit of Cuteness

Aug 03, 2009 00:59

So lately, thanks to hp5freak, because she just bought her own house w/ her mom and is moving into it soon, I sorta got the idea lately, rather than move to an apartment and THEN buying a house a year or 2 from now, to just do a lease-purchase.  I was all psyched.

Job-wise I have something coming up soon...I just had 4 face to face interviews this past week and 1 phone interview that at least one of the face to face interviews didn't get me the job and I'm thinking the phone interview was a bust as well. The last face to face/personal inferview I had was on the fly, within a few hours notice and seemed to go real well...I probably won't hear anything until like the 14th or so of August. Additionally I've been unemployed since March, with the exception of a week in April when the company brought me back for a short project. Oh well. I'm not worried about it. I'm going to send an email thanking him still, and sometime mid the week of the 14th, I'll email him stating I'm still interested in the position and asking if he's close to a decision yet. I am confident this or something else will soon turn in my favor and that this is a very positive point. To add to that, I've some negative stress as well. Well back in March, a lawyer that was working on a debt I have with Drexel University cleaned out my bank account I had still in NJ supposedly with a levy, although they violated some laws that I identified in the process - although it's not like it's that big a deal...$1 difference...Anyhow,. It was a Commerce Bank / TD Bank North account so I could have moved it to a PA branch here and I think I'd have still been hit although I'm not certain. This set me back seriously...I was not yet receiving unemployment compensation and this set me back significantly. I was unable to pay rent for April on April 1st like I intended, nor was I able to make my scheduled payment for car insurance or car payment for my car loan. I managed to start a new bank account and this bank evidently is more anal about going below $0 in the account than the other bank...If I do it again, I may lose access to the checks and/or checkcard, which sucks, so I'm keeping a very close eye on it. I am ONLY 1 month behind on rent and I'm trying to catch up but my landlord is being an asshole about it. I am ONLY 1 month behind too on the car loan and they had worked with me in the past but I had to deal with car insurance and other bills too...In the past the car loan company called me. This time they didn't call me...They just sent me a letter. I'm going to call them though tomorrow and say "What can I do? I have no money to pay you with. I'm unemployed and told you this 5 times now. They used to call me each time it was due but now it's when a full month is due, when I can't always make a full month payment. It annoys me how they're always trying to play hard ball harder and harder when I'm not avoiding them. They claim that I'm not returning their calls but when my phone company T-Mobile suspends my service, I still receive calls for a good few weeks - I see them in the caller ID...and they only call once any way...yet they claim they call numerous times. If I could call back when it happens, I would and I do when I can. All that aside, someone on my AIM buddy list had suggested I don't do the lease purchase - simply (and only) due to the fact that I'm currently unemployed. While the suggestion is sound and I recently have decided to forestall doing a lease/purchase, the suggestion was not based on the correct information. She made mention of purchasing something, which it's not a purchase on my part, so to speak. Also it's ignoring the high potential that I will have a job and started by the end of August. The plan that I've had since I thought of doing this is that if I don't have a job by the end of August, then the lease/purchase is aborted. If I have a job but if any time by or before the end of October, I realize that I can't afford the down payment for the lease purchase for the house, then I would abort. "Abort" in this instance means I would get an apartment for a year and then move from the apartment after the year or 2 into a lease purchase arrangement or if my credit is good enough, buy a house outright. I got especially mad because she claimed me doing the lease purchase was irresponsible, however she recently spent quite a bit of money to fly on a whim to Las Vegas, trying to convince me to do that too on a whim...I need to plan things...I couldn't possibly get a job, then decide at the end of August "I'm going to do a lease purchase"...I'd need to do the research which could take weeks or a month or 2. I think the thing I got mad at the most though was her stating to NOT do it, however did NOT state what TO do. It's one of my pet peeves - Don't tell me what NOT to do, unless you're going to tell me a way to overcome the same problem it's trying to overcome in the first place. In this case, I'm trying to fix a problem where my current apartment is a huge waste of money. I spent in the month of February alone over $260 in my heating/gas bill. Why? Because there are drafts and energy leaks by the boatload in my apartment and the apartment and building needs window upgrades that are more energy saving, and probably could use other upgrades as well. The proof of the drafts is not just in the heating/gas bill, but also in the fact that my A/C...could be on for hours, and then shut off...and not even a minute later, come right back on. The air went somewhere. It's not the sensor either. If I turned off the A/C. it should stay in the apartment and be remotely cool for a little while. It will warm up fast, like a furnace. Also, my car insurance bill has been over $360 every month since and including April. Why? Because I'm in Philadelphia. When I lived in south jersey, my car insurance was down below $160. I would expect it to be a little over $200 living in the suburbs of Philadelphia in one of the areas that are more suburban or rural. So my solution was to find a house to lease purchase (so if it didn't have the windows needed, I'd buy and have them installed :-P) outside of the city, closer to my parents/family and thus a lower car insurance rate. However this morning (well Sunday morning I should say now) I was looking online and found on Freddie Mac's website a PDF that explains a program for a lease purchase mortgage, which basically means that a non-profit organization purchases the house and has funding to cover expenses and all that and there's other criteria for them...but they have very stringent qualifications for the lease purchaser / buyer (me)...namely that I have to have a credit score of at least 580 - I'm LUCKY if I have 500 although I might...who knows? And if the person doesn't have 580, then they require the last 12 months rent paid to be precisely on time...well as I said a few paragraphs ago...I had a few months recently that I was a month late and my landlord I doubt would lie or have such poor records to say yes I did. Plus, it would be tough to save $1,000 / month for 3 months...but I could do that for 3 months...for a year, forget it but maybe if I spent 3-6 months paying off other debts first...I can use snowballing and just at the end instead of putting the extra money so to speak into a new debt...put it into saving for the house or split it between another bill and the house, who knows? I'm looking at 3 apartments now. 1 in Quakertown, 1 in Horsham, both by the same management company, and 1 in North Wales by a different management company but which is nice - 1 BR but has a den, and 1.5 who knows. I could save the same down payment for those more easily and move in mid December or maybe even beginning of December and spend the month of December moving/cleaning this property more thoroughly to create a good image. I'm still mad but when I get mad about something, I can't just drop it - however I do recognize the validity of the suggestion and am more mad now at not just being told I was wrong but in a way I perceived highly rude and annoying.

But onto good stuff -  I had just blown my nose and needed to go throw the used tissue in the trash. I walked out to the trashcan in the kitchen and as soon as I was out of sight, Naomi (my niece) started bawling(crying) and my mom was like "Uncle Seth will be right back...don't worry!"...and I came right back as my mom promised her and like clockwork, Naomi stopped crying. I went to get a cough drop (my own sort of nuddler or maybe the word is pacifier lol...I dunno - my family calls it nuddler what the babies suck on to keep them quiet) from my bag next to the sofa and my mom is still sitting on the sofa with Naomi on her lap...I take off the wrapper and put it in my mouth and walk out to the kitchen again to throw away the wrapper - Naomi starts bawling again hehe - I rush back and again like clockwork, Naomi stops crying like someone pressed a button on her lol. I said to my mom "I really love that I am wanted around here!!" Later then, we're at Pizza Hut and I go to pay the bill and my sister takes her out of her seat and lets her roam around on the floor in the mostly empty restaurant lol...I come back and didn't see her in her seat and go "Where's Naomi? OMG!"...I suddenly felt a tug at my pant leg and she was trying to climb up me like a mountain LMAO....My sister looks at me "She really loves you a lot!" - I need to find a girlfriend that cares about me like that and marry her straightaway!!  *sniff*

Well, off to bed *snores*
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