This sucks

May 24, 2007 22:10

I looked on Nintendo's Wifi website to look for a free hotspot. There are lots of McDonald's listed, so I went to one. I went to get my dinner and then found out that I have to pay $2.95 to get connected for 2 hours. And I tried my DS and got an error code. I returned back home and found out that the error code states that the access point at McDonald's is not compatible with Nintendo's Wifi Access. What the freak! I believe there's a difference between 'free' and $2.95.


I do have a wireless WiFi router in my apartment, but I can't connect with everyone since my router may not be compatible with some of the others.

I cannot get a router for myself or change the router & its settings with the one that is provided by my apartment community. I'll get fined or kicked out if I try to fiddle with it.
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