It is done.

Jun 25, 2013 16:54

Yup.  My very first Big Bang is finished.  We won't go into how long I've got till it's actually posted.  -_-;;;

I was actually writing against my better judgement today, because I know how these things get entirely too personal when I'm in my current mood, and that leads to fic that I tend to not like after since it brings up bad memories.  However, I wanted one bloody thing to go right, and this was about the only thing I've got at the moment that I could damn well make sure of it.  So yeah, it's done.  Forty-one pages worth of it.  Considering History Lessons was forty-three, I'm going to assume it's over the 25k minimum.  Now I've just got to type it up and finish the History Lessons sequel.

Sadly, the History Lessons sequel is not working as well as I hoped.  Coulson is worse than Bruce Banner, I swear.  I ended up just cutting him entirely, and this makes me a sad, sad panda.  After that though, it seems to be going decently well.  It'll thankfully be much shorter (cutting Coulson will probably help with my sanity on that regard) it's up to seven pages and has actual slash.  Like, real slash, guys.  Not just vague pre-slash that's tagged on in the very last scene or Steve being an absolute bastard by hinting at it in the BB when I really couldn't do slash because of extreme awkward (nope, I really won't forgive him for that, damn his innocent puppy dog eyes), but actual honest to God slash.  There's even kissing.  It only took me what, five fics for it to happen?

I'm not sure what I'll write after this.  I've got an idea for another Avengers fic that could rift off the post credits scene in Iron Man 3, which I might consider if it stays short.  I'm also half tempted to fill a prompt on the kink meme crossing over Classic Who with Avengers, because really, I'd probably be a good person to fill it (and I've got a suspicion about who prompted it).  There's also Torchwood/Firefly crossover I've been eyeing again, the next Amy-verse (which I'm tempted to say would be the last, though the thought of trapping Mr. Pond with Five for a week has crossed my mind once or twice), and the final part of Broken Realities, which I swear, I will one day get around to even if there is more sex.

Then again, there's also the fact my life is a complete and total mess at the moment, so writing will probably take a back seat unless an outlet is needed.  I suppose we'll see.  At the moment though, I just want to watch Babylon 5.  Except I don't want to watch it, because I'll end up with Sleeping in Light, just like always, except unlike always I don't have anyone to watch it with.  It just seems weird to watch it by myself.  I've seen it millions of times, but I don't think I've ever watched it without my mother sitting there grabbing tissues with me.  I dunno.  We'll see, I guess.

avengers, amy-verse, ramblings on writings, big bang, doctor who, babylon 5

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