It doesn't come out very often, and certainly not for most things people consider chick flicks, but every so often Mem gets a little gushy and likes things romantic. Either that, or the world is ending and hell has frozen over. Take your pick.
One of the conversations I had on the friending meme was about one of my conversationalists finding that I write out my fics on paper terribly romantic. Which probably sounds a lot more romantic than it actually is. I mean, I'm using a college ruled notebook and sitting at a teacher's desk while watching 35 unruly teenagers most of the time. That's actually the one thing I'll miss about subbing, is all the time I had for just writing. But the point is, not really romantic, despite the what the automatic mental image is.
I will admit to melting every time I watch the movie Little Women and Mr. Bhaer knows that Jo is a writer because of the ink stains on her hands. Depending on the pen I use, there can sometimes be a lot of ink stains. I do sometimes get the really inky ones just because. Don't look at me like I'm hopeless. XP
So when I read an article today about an old couple having their love letters that they'd written while the husband was in Europe for WWII returned after they'd been stolen forty years ago... There was much melting and turning to goo. More goo than I care to admit. And after the melting, goo, and cooing over how adorable that was ended, my mind turned, as it is sometimes wont to do, to fandom.
Now I have this unfilled desire for fic of someone writing letters. Not an epistolary novel (Sorry, Nar. I know you do love them, but I'm rather less thrilled by them), but just the act of writing the letters. Sadly, because my romantic notions only go so far, it turns angsty. I want something like Jack, stuck in the past and writing letters to Rose and the Doctor that they'll never get because he's lonely and needs someone outside of that backwards time period to talk to. Perhaps the Doctor finds a few much later for angst purposes.
Or Steve being lost in the future and writing letters to Bucky and Peggy, knowing that they'll never be read. Possibly with Steve eventually writing the other Avengers, with varying degrees of success. Or maybe he started writing Tony when he woke up, was severely disillusioned when they first met, and ended up continuing the practice as stress relief for all that is Tony Stark. Pent up frustrations galore. Then Tony finds them (preferably the worst of the lot first) and he keeps reading even though some of them hurt.
I just want feels from the letters, and the scratch or glide of the pen over paper. Is that too much to ask for? XD
Also, now I really want to watch Little Women again. Sigh.