It's the kind of season that you really don't stop watching. So yeah, we kinda watched half of a 22 episode season in one day. It happens. XD Considering I've actually watched season three in one weekend before, that should tell you something. It just gets good. It also means I have a hell of a write up to do. -_-;;;
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Probably off-topic, but I think this is actually one of Moffat's weak points, too. The man lives and breathes cliffhangers; don't get me wrong, they can be very good and very exciting cliffhangers, but if we're inundated with cliffhangers, it starts to get old. It's like...okay, metaphor ahoy:
Imagine that you and your boyfriend went to a store so you could pick out a ring. You never see him buy it (because he'll go back for it later), and you know somewhere down the road he's got a scheme to propose in a really awesome way. You wait patiently. One night he takes you out to a really fancy restaurant and you think "oh gosh, will it be today? It is, isn't it?" But no, he doesn't propose; instead, he said he just really wanted to treat you to something special for no reason because he's that sweet. You think he's sweet. And so you wait some more. Another month goes by, and suddenly he wants to take you to this gorgeous park with a 5-mile hike to the most inspiring waterfall ever. You hike the hike, tired but excited, and get to the waterfall. It is the most beautiful waterfall. You think, "This is the most beautiful place to be proposed to, what a thoughtful boyfriend." Except he doesn't propose. You're starting to get miffed, wondering what kind of mind game your boyfriend is trying to play on your emotions. You just want to be affianced already, gosh darn it! But you wait. The third time you think he's going to propose, you're at the cafe where you met and talked about sci fi shows offhand because he noticed the dalek you have on your laptop. You wait for it. And you wait for it. He doesn't propose. You go home, disappointed, try to slip your feet into your slippers, but there's something impeding your feet. You look inside. It's the ring box! With a small note that says "in case you get cold feet." "I wanted it to be something you wouldn't expect," says your boyfriend. You throw your slippers at him.
It's sort of like that. For god's sake, Moffat, I know you have some devious master plan in mind, but there's a difference between being clever and being obnoxious about being clever.*
*Disclaimer: Still want to state that just because I sometimes have issues with Moffat doesn't mean I dislike him. I do like him. But he does have flaws I have issues with.
Thank goodness JMS is clever without being obnoxious about it.
**lols at ALOHA** Well done, crew. Well done.
Joe's Theory of Violence on TV. To wit...that we need more of it, but it has to be realistic violence. It has to show consequences. You glorify or desensitize violence when you shoot somebody, and they just go down, no yelling in pain, no sobbing as their guts fall out onto the street. It's just gunfire, loud noises, excitement and fun. If you're going to show violence, then show it for what it *is*, and show it the way people would react to it. Make the audience understand that this is a *person*, not one in a series of body counts."
That is exactly how violence should be treated in media. It might certainly cut down on kids/teens/impressionable individuals getting the idea that violence is "cool." I really like Joe's Theory of Violence on TV.
Moffat, I think, has more of a problem with solving things in a timely manner. That's what JMS does right in this case. There are many shocking revelations in B5, but when he introduces a question, he solves it a few episodes later. Only to be introduced with even more questions, granted, but you get some sense of completion over the mystery. Which Moffat kind of fails at.
He does a bit of the shocking surprise overkill too though. No where near as bad as Code Geass though.
I think Aloha has been added to my favorite random back stage trivia bits of the show. The teddy bear and Londo's way of getting in character are also part of it. XD
Joe's Theory of Violence is indeed awesome. More people need to adhere to it.
A thousand times yes. A thousand.
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