So I've found a niffty
Mood theme for B5 made by
fangaili. I'm not sure if I'll keep it long, since it seems out of place with my journal theme, but we'll see. Maybe it's just because it's different and I'll get used to it. XD
Also, I wanted to point out two very awesome things.
pride1289 has been drawing from the five things meme I did. Since that meme has grown completely out of control, I figured I'd post them where they are easily see-able. You can find one of the Master cuddling plushies
here and the Most Epic Eyebrow Stare Down In Time And Space (Spock vs. the Brigadier)
here. Seriously, they are awesome. Go look at them, then comment how much you adore them (because you know you do. Pride's drawings are always so adorable)!
Finally, I'll answer the writer's block for today. "What name do you wish you had?" I've always kind of liked the name Samantha? I dunno. Then again, enough people call me Mem in RL (mostly people I've met online then outside of it, but for some reason Mem stuck) that I could go with that too, if Memory were an actual sort of name. I do respond to it, after all. XD