Feb 10, 2008 15:31
Michaela is back home finally (not that I ever mentioned she was gone for a week and a half to begin with, but yay she's back home ;p)
Though she'll be leaving again for a hopefully short time, her car is all kaputt right now, fun stuff -_-; and it's 2 hours away being 'worked on' it's been 'worked on' for a week and a half though, so I really wonder.... They said it was a broken gasket... it's just one little thing it shouldn't take that long. Though I think they needed to yank out her engine to get at it, so that may be a part of it. I just hope they don't mess something else up by trying to fix the gasket.
I should probably get around to uploading some pictures of Tadakichi but eh..
Also I'm kindof miffed at Michaela's sister (who braught her back last night so Michaela could go to work Today so she wouldn't be fired) I kindof wonder if she has a concept of how rude her comments are at times... or maybe she has "middle sister syndrom" Y'know... the thing where you were 'the baby' but then this new sibling is born making you lose 'baby status' Causing inherent jealousy and what not. My Family doesn't really have it, since I'm the eldest, Angel is special needs, and my other 3 siblings are all the same age so they're 'the babies' instead they've got the 'i want to be the favorite' fighting.
Anyway! She said our house smells like a pet store, our ferret looks like a rat, and that he has mangy fur. She didn't say it in a agressive or mean tone... but they were pretty rude comments. But, who cares since she only stayed here the night, she has a cat so her place smells too, and her cat is getting chubby so there ;p
Personally I think tada looks like a tan tube of fur. He's certainly full of personality though at any rate. His new thing is to hug your arm. specifically when he's being let out of his cage he'll sit in your hand and hug your arm to be let down. Or when he's tired from playing he'll come over and stare up at you till you put your hand down, wich he'll sit in and then hug your arm to be lifted up so he can nap on your lap.