LJ is magically back to normal for me!
And it might have been my fault. Found 29,518 files in my Temporary Internet folder. *ducks* So, now that that's sorted, I'd better try and turn myself invisible while I wait for this huge file to download before my mum has a go at me for being late to bed. Again.
Unfortunately, btw, I didn't get to do any writing today, but I did get to watch "Iron Mike". Oh man, the slashiness! *swoons* I really shouldn't have watched that one with my mum and dad, though, since my mum saw the SHSVS last night. While she doesn't really mind me reading it, she doesn't think it's natural to write stories about a show and twist it into slash.
*sigh* I'm tempted to show her
essay in
ship_manifesto, and maybe even
essay about the Harry/Draco 'ship, to maybe try and explain it to her. Opinions? Slaps in the face with a wet fish?
Oh! And I made a couple more icons, too. :) I'll probably post them tomorrow (or now, if this file takes much longer) and see whatcha'll think, if you don't mind that is.
File download progress: 65%. *sigh*