I made cookies some time during the week, using the Starsky and Hutch Cookbook that Kimberly and Moon put together so long ago. I couldn't decide between oatmeal or chocolate, so I took the oatmeal cookie recipe and swapped the walnuts for chocolate chips. I still need to cut down on eating so much chocolate and crap, though. Much as the idea makes me automatically crave chocolate.
Despite having a week off for half-term, I haven't really got much done. Yesterday, in a fit of desperation, I went through my favourites and deleted anything that was posted before this month, as long as it wasn't important (i.e. fic or something), so now all I have to do is comment on the few remaining. The earliest post I found was way back in the middle of November. I feel really bad about not being around for so long, having missed so much over the last few months, but I'm hoping that it means I'll find it easier to start commenting now. And if that fails, school will be finished in roughly three months, so I should have everything sorted by then. (Shh. I can hope. *grin*)
Anyway, I'm hoping to update a bit more regularly from now on, too. Not that I think I'll have anything interesting to say, but you never know. :)