*ignores homework and mental To Do list*
fanfic100 No one's signed up for The Professionals, Bodie/Doyle.
No one's signed up for The Sentinel, Jim/Blair.
No one's signed up for Starsky and Hutch, Starsky/Hutch. ((that's a "hint, hint" to a few people, too, btw *grin*))
And I'm itching to write. And I'd love a challenge. It seems to be the best way to get me to write and really, really enjoy it, that added amount of pressure adding extra spice to the whole experience. Especially when I'm writing fics around a similar challenge for two fandoms, like I did with Slodwick's challenge.
So I don't know whether to sign up for one. Or two. Or maybe even all three. Especially since I haven't watched The Sentinel properly for almost a year now, I think. But ... still. They don't call it a challenge for nothing, do they? And there are, technically, no real time constraints, so it's not beyond the realms of possibility, right? Another thing, though, is that I don't want to be greedy or anything. *squirms* Or am I just being paranoid again? (I really shouldn't post when I'm in this frame of mind.)
Who wants to run me over with a big-ass truck first? Whilst yelling their opinion at the top of their lungs, if I may trouble you so terribly?
P.S. The reason I'm asking is because I can't make these sorts of decisions. Especially after a day like today, and when I'm tired and not looking forward to going to bed, because then I know that next time I open my eyes, tomorrow's here. And I know I'm risking someone else jumping in and claiming what I might later decide to do, but the risk that I'll regret leaping before I ask everyone else to look first, too, seems bigger.
*has made a hash of this post* Grr. Pleh. My word of the week, btw; pleh.