Was having problems with my last post, I think, so I thought I'd just scrap it and try again. Lol, the only important bit was this meme from
keiltagh, anyway:
Ask me for "top five" lists of pretty much anything, and I will list you my top five of that thing or things.
Copy and give your own top fives.
Apart from that, all I have to say is that it's amazing how tidying my room has, somehow, made it really look like a natural disaster hit. However, the windowsill is cleared and waiting for cleaning, as is the bookcase, especially after finding all those maggoty-looking moth caterpillars amongst my books and things -- that was fun with my sister and the shrieking. Blech. I'm becoming soft in my old age. :P Lol, I have a dangerous stack of books in front of the bookcase, too, next to a bag full of ornaments wrapped haphazardly in toilet paper, and also a horribly large pile of books downstairs for my Mum to look through before they go to a charity shop. I hate giving away books, but it has to be done. Some of them I haven't read, and probably never will!
Does that make me an official bookworm? Can I have a hat and a special drawer for bookmarks now? Actually, it's scary how I seem to collect bookmarks sometimes. Luckily I don't see that many, but I just know that if I did, I would have a whole drawer dedicated to them.
Also, have discovered I'm a snap-happy freak. I'm taking pictures of my room as I move from one step to the next to catalogue how it's changing.
I think that's enough self-analysis for one night, don't you?