Handed to me by
1) Total number of films I own on DVD/video:
Um ... can I be bothered to go and count? Lol. At a guess, personally, about 10, maybe less. As a family, lol, a lot more.
2) The last film I bought:
Oh, sheesh, uh ... oh, yeah! "Jackass: The Movie", lol. I so rarely buy films that it's hard to remember, so I'm lucky that I bought this only a few weeks ago. At least I think it was only a few weeks ago....
3) The last film I watched:
King Arthur on Friday night. With an occasional running commentary over the dialogue. *growls*
4) Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me:
[Lol, this is difficult!! I'm sure I've left something important off the list.]
Starsky and Hutch (mainly for pushing me towards the originals)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Beautiful Thing (GIP!)
Finding Nemo
5). Pick five people and have them put this in their journal:
Lol, like I can pick -- for so many reasons. :P
Talking of King Arthur, I really, really liked it. Although, I kinda hated Guinevere, lol, and could have cried when Lancelot died. At least I think I almost cried. I didn't sleep at all Friday night, and actually spent two mind-numbingly boring hours sitting and eating M&Ms as I tried to pass the time while everyone slept. Lol, I did sit-ups for 20 minutes, but time crawled so slowly and I thought I was going insane. Lord help me if I'm ever kidnapped and secreted away in an empty room for days on end. :P And, btw, I would have felt worse if I'd tried to sleep, I can guarantee it. Maybe it's paranoia, about people judging me when I'm most vulnerable, or just plain taking advantage, I don't know, but also the "Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Kiss, Command or Promise" didn't help. *rolls eyes* I have always hated that game, and all its mutations, and always will!
Anyway, I'm still feeling really low from Friday, mainly from the lack of sleep, but also the abysmal time I had, though it was interrupted with a few moments that were quite good. I really want to see King Arthur again, just to watch it all the way through without missing a few bits of dialogue because of people talking, without hearing comments which are mainly derogatory and judgmental about the actors and just the thing in general, and without missing bits of dialogue so that we can watch more fighting. Yes, I can be pretty blood-thirsty at times, and the director's cut was really good, but, apparently, they cut out a few lines of dialogue to fit it in, so now I want to see the "proper" version.
Ah well. Hopefully I'll catch up on more sleep and feel better tomorrow. I have my first exam on Wednesday morning, as it is, but that's, luckily for me, only French listening, so all I can do is listen to French radio tomorrow. After that, I have a drum lesson on Thursday, and that's it for the week. Then next week I have an IT exam and two English exams. I can only really revise for the IT one, and read through how particular questions need answering for the English one, so it should be a nice, relaxing two weeks. And then we have a week off for half term. ;)
I'll be cursing the week after that, though, because I have a week full of exams. *whimpers* I'm living in denial until then. Someone come fish me out halfway through half term so that I can start revising?