Jul 27, 2009 18:10
I found this to help in the strangest way. I was watching a movie on YouTube about MLP a very minty Christmas. It was like God was showing me it was alright to like ponies and at the same time he forgives me for writing an erotic piece with Pinkie pie in it. I am so disgusted at myself for writing it and even considering posting it to get my deviant art account to have more views. I hate it that someone would do anything like this to a Childs video. Yet I became my worst enemy. However God forgives and the music in the background is foreign to me but it was forgiving because Minty breaks down and cries the way I am almost ready to.
I have posted my issue on a Christian forum and feel like god is in control now that I saw that short video and I want the DVD to see the whole thing how she keeps messing up like I do with porn and erotica. Ever since My friend Jackson got me into porn I felt like I could not pray to god. I feel like my purity is hypocrisy and I need to rethink my life. This is certainly going to be put in a book because it is so dramatic.
LOL what am I saying?