Guitar practice

Jan 13, 2009 06:33

Yesterday I was tired so you know how that goes. Guitar practice was not bad but I could not think strait so I picked a riff that sounded good and not necessarily what I wanted. No big, but He want me to practice it enough to play it with him to sound like the bigger band. So there is a little pressure.

I won’t complain...he he much....

I want to also write more often. I will try starting every other day until I am use to it then try and do every day only switching to different kinds of writing and then mixing it up a bit so there is no routine.

Well that is one thing to note but another is my writing and I want to do more especially since I am starting a class essay and tech and they use pencil and paper. I hate my handwriting. I like it when I can choose my font and style but writing with a pencil is a little different where all I have to move my hands to the key board but on paper you must keep going trying your best not to stop.

Have you ever had the same problem? 


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