
Jul 27, 2007 13:40

woot! Gypsy's Service Dog vest arrived today! I am so excited! This is the culmination of well over a year's worth of training and frustration. Not to mention the vindictive "nya nya" to my folks.

My dad has been against this exercise since the beginning. He believes I just need to get over myself and all that rather than rely on a crutch like my dog. He also wants Gypsy GONE from the house. He HATES having animals in the house. I kinda agree with him on the first point (not on the gypsy being gone point). I do really just need to get over myself and move on, but training Gypsy has been one of the things that helped move me along to getting better. And I really do relax more when she is with me, which prevents so many problems. Gypsy, my anti-drug! ::snickers::

Last night Dad had his friends over to play poker (Mom was in NJ last night and today) and he turned to one of his buddies and said, "We are all proud of Gypsy. She finished her Service Dog training this past week." And then he showed him her paperwork! I was just about fit to burst with happiness. ::snuggles daddy:: He can act like such a bastard sometimes, but then he turns around and does shit like this and I just have to love all over him.

And just because she is really cute, a picture of her on the farm!

gypsy, pictures

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