Yoinked it from Cathy.

Mar 13, 2007 13:05

1] Is there someone who you like at the moment?
Gee..... I dunno.... ::grins::

2] Does that someone know that you like them?
I would certainly hope so.

3] What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
Romance movie? Er..... Alexander?

4] How many times can you honestly say you've been in love?
If at all, once. Not too sure.

5] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?

6] Do you think that you should put your friends first or your bf/gf?
Don't ignore your friends for your significant other, and that person should also be one of your friends. It's a balance.

7] Have you ever had your heart broken?

8] What do you think about long-distance relationships?
They're difficult, but can work with the right people and some effort.

9] What have you learned?
That I need to stop running away.

1O] Would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger?
Five years older.

12] Do you believe the statement "once a cheater always a cheater"?
I'd like to think people can reform, but then my inner cynic kicks in and I believe it.

13] How many kids do you want to have?
None. I hate kids.

14] do you usually fall for the right boy/girl?
Define "right." As in "my type," no, I haven't lately. As in "this feels right," yes.

16] What are your views on gay marriage?
Everyone needs to have equal rights. Don't like gay marriage? Then don't get one and shut the fuck up.

17] Do you believe you truly only love once?

18] Imagine you're 69 and your spouse just died. Would you re-marry?
Probably not

19] At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
Girls: er... since I was old enough to know what attraction was? Guys: Just recently. And then only one.

20] Do you think that someone likes you?
Heh, I'd hope so.


12. Cut your own hair?
I don't dare.

13. Done something you regret?

15. Bungee-jumped?

18. Been arrested?

19. Broken in someone's house?

22. Used a lighter?

23. Been on stage?
Lots of times.


24. Season -

25. Food -
Toss up between Pringles and chocolate

28. Breakfast -
Poptarts or Wheetabix

29. People -
My friends (the crew here, along with Poptart and Celine).

30. Books-
Sholan Alliance series and Catch-22

31. Music-
30 Seconds to Mars and Snow Patrol

32. Lake -
The one I always used to go to as a kid in NH. Greenfield, was it?


40. Coffee or Cappichino?

41. Long or short relationships?

43. Scary movies or comedies?

44. Short or long hair on the opposite sex?
Either on women, prefer longish on guys. Er. Guy. But then I like his short hair too.


46. Chainsaw - loud noise
47. School - MHS
48. Cows - Those stupid "good cheese" commercials
49. Canada - Gay bars and strippers.
50. Mouse - My old bio experiment


52. Talked on the phone? Oh yeah.
53. Watched a movie? Advent Children and part of Alexander: Revisited.
54. Cried? Almost
56. Drank a glass of water? Yup
57. Done drugs? Unless you consider NyQuil a drug.
58. Read a book or magazine? Game Informer and "Stronghold Rising."
61. Taken a shower? Hells yeah.
62. Taken a picture? Nope
63. Listened to music? All the time
64. Watched a football game on tv? Negative.
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