I have come to the conclusion that I am in dire need of a new computer.

Jan 28, 2008 05:55

And my new job at Radioshack may be just what I need to make that dream a reality. I've been looking at parts already, but I can't come up with a strategy. I have one of two towers I really like right now (http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16811129025 and this one http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1779401&Sku=S457-1048)

I'm probably going to get all the parts in essential order, beginning with the case, then the motherboard and hard drive (I may get a solid state drive later when I can afford them :>) followed by the processor, ram, power supply, memory, a DVD burner, Video card (the most expensive and most unsure component at this point) and the sound card.

Probably around 500 or 750 gigs for the hard drive (I don't need a terabyte... or so I would think since I've been running on an 80 gig for 2 years) and I'm looking at a pair of NVIDIA 8800 GT cards, then stepping them up one by one to replace them with GTXs or whatever's new at the point, an Intel Quad core (The next step?) probably about 2 gigs of RAM at the start, then step it up to 4 later.

My dilemma is that I don't know if I want to buy it piece by piece until I have everything, If I want to have another credit on my record (If i even get approved for it), or buy the tower, Motherboard and hard drive full and them get cheap components and upgrade later.

I would just say 'fuck it' and just not do it, but I have everything else... and I mean EVERYTHING. After my phone, this is the last thing I need to be truly electronically complete.

my dream machine will be soon :)

Anyways, It's time to pass out. I'm fucking SUPER tired.

I have a fucking commander's call today at 2... lame.

radioshack, computer

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