If only Nomad would hurry up with that matter transporter!!! Other than that we need a new and brilliant idea for making loads of sheckels then we could afford to get together. Meanwhile the nearest I am getting to it all is house sitting for daughter for most of June while she and the crowd jaunt off to America. (The miserable lot wont squeeze me into a suitcase as they need someone to feed the cats!!). I'll let you into a secret - I dont have any days when there isnt something that desperately needs doing (you should see the dust bunnies, piles of ironing, state of my back yard), but every so often I just down tools and please myself. Life is for LIVING not getting through. When I said "no plans" I meant not being actually booked to be somewhere (in those instances you have to go or you are letting people down), but I also have days when I go to bed ridiculously early when all the running about catches up with me and I fall over!!! (I'm still amazed by how little stamina some of my young friends seem to have!!) Besides, having re-discovered myself over the last few years and been made to realise that - at least in some people's eyes - I am wonderful, I found I mentally shed 20 years and a whole load of weight and baggage as i realised I actually could start LIVING again. And I am determined not to lose my "happy gene" again.
I barely even bother with "housekeeping"-type chores, because there's still so much furniture-assembling and rearranging and putting-away and dear-gods-where-are-all-the-wooden-spoons? and shopping-for-replacements. (I have hardly any things that need ironing, I don't really have a yard any more, and the dust bunnies and I have an Agreement.) But even before the storm, I was rather short on just having fun, between my husband's erratic and often onerous work hours, chronic lack of funds, and my various medical misadventures. The most recent fun-thing we did was seeing "The Hobbit". But our 40th anniversary is coming up in June, and my husband thinks we really ought to do something a bit more celebratory than going to a burger place for dinner. (He still hasn't figured out what yet, though.) Good thing I've managed to learn, over the years, how to experience even the most modest bit of enjoyment as an adventure!
I'll let you into a secret - I dont have any days when there isnt something that desperately needs doing (you should see the dust bunnies, piles of ironing, state of my back yard), but every so often I just down tools and please myself. Life is for LIVING not getting through. When I said "no plans" I meant not being actually booked to be somewhere (in those instances you have to go or you are letting people down), but I also have days when I go to bed ridiculously early when all the running about catches up with me and I fall over!!! (I'm still amazed by how little stamina some of my young friends seem to have!!) Besides, having re-discovered myself over the last few years and been made to realise that - at least in some people's eyes - I am wonderful, I found I mentally shed 20 years and a whole load of weight and baggage as i realised I actually could start LIVING again. And I am determined not to lose my "happy gene" again.
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