Mar 31, 2006 12:29
well i dont have a book to read or lunch to eat today cuz i forgot them at home so i decided that i should update my live journal. well things to talk about today revolve around the videogames, well KH2 came out today to most everyone who i know that would actualy read this wont in this entry (talks bad about KH in safty of ignorance, Just kidding) well i found out that their are games that i know as my basis of playing games that others dont even know about so i will just give a idea.
First person shooters: go with halo multiplayer, but make sure you learn the controler first as well as gain skill enough to hold your ground with those you will be playing with.
for stradagy games: Disgaea and Final Fantasy tactics, they both rock hardcore, if you only play one id personaly suggest disgaea cuz it has some funny parts in it and has multiple endings so theirs a bit more in replay value, if you have a link cable and a gamboy along with a freind who plays as well get FFTactics.(1player:disgaea/ 2Players: FFT)
for RealTimeStradagy (RTS) Starcraft hands down if you own a computer go buy it with what you have, or at least put it on layaway, for a hint of how popular it is, in other countrys Starcraft teams have taken the place of sports teams.
For RPG, pick up a title by Square Enix they have 733+ skillz at that kind of game , they made all of the final fantasys the worst games they made were FF:X-2 and FF:XI and the former sucked cuz you dont sequal something thats final but it was a pretty good game, just not as good as its predicesor and FFXI sucked cuz they charge you money to play FF and you cant form a party EVER iv heard its so bad that it can take hours to form a party and minutes for you to split up.
Adventure, Kindgom Hearts it the first one that comes to mind but in all honesty this is a hit or miss catagory and it overlaps many games such as platformers and the like, this is all about preference, just rend before you buy and you wont miss a thing.
Raceing: ok im all about the game being fun and not so much about how clean the car looks so my two picks for raceing are as follows: For multiplayer get Diddy Kong Raceing for the N64 its alot of fun even if it is old. and if you want to up your speed a bit more than the tripple blue balloon (reference to DKR) then go for Extreme G-3 raceing its Krazy fast with a K, you get a good feel on how fast your going early on in the game and its always fun the first time you break the sound barrier
well the bell finaly rang so im going to go to class.
i plan on continueing this list so if you can thing of any genres or think i neglected a title comment here.