Day 58, day 6 of vacation and day minus one to con.

Aug 27, 2010 08:46

This was put together last night but didn't get around to posting until this morning. And this morning I am so frikkin' excited. The atmosphere is fabulous here. But I'll get around to more tonight. This is yesterday's list that I still wanted here.


Here I sit in a hotel room that strangely, only has cabled internet access. This is the day before the fun begins for the con but it was spent meeting new people, and generally enjoying things.

My list for today consists of fandom related things mostly but I did warn for that.

1. Made my way to the hotel driving downtown without a glitch.
2. Met my roomies who have been great to talk Supernatural with.
3. Delicious lunch at a local restaurant. It filled me up enough so that a supper consisting of grapefruit juice and a KitKat bar (yum) was all that I needed. Okay, so late night snack of trail mix bar helped too.
4. I drove us around and played tour guide to check out some of the location sites. We found the Detroit building (at least the outside) where Sam and Dean confronted Lucifer in Swan Song. It’s interesting because it looks way bigger in the episode than it is in RL. Deer Lake Park was fabulous. It’s a beautiful part surrounding an urban lack. We wanted to see the Burnaby Village Museum which is located in the park as there have been several episodes filmed there(Scarecrow, Monster Movie and another I can’t think of now) but we kind of balked at the $13.50 price tag. As there was only 15 minutes until closing though, the attendant manning the door said to go on through. We had enough time to wander around in the village and check out the buildings. We also saw where they filmed the pseudo CSI scene from Changing Channels (wheeee! We were standing where Jared, Jensen and Richard had been ) and also where they did the montage at the beginning, falling down on the grass. We all promptly lay on the grass and there were pictures. :) The next stop was in front of the 2400 Motel, a very old cabin type motel which has been used several times on the show.
5. Watched 5.21 - Point of No Return after returning from the ‘tour’ as one of the roomies had not yet seen all of the episodes and she had to catch up. Such fun actually watching with other fangirls, in a real life environment. Lots of giggles and commentary.
6. After a trip to the local market for breakfast and snacky foods, we realized that the church right across the street from the hotel was also a season 2 location.
7. Found free wireless internet in the lobby of the hotel (the rooms only have wired and at a cost) because of course, I had to confirm that the church in #6 above was actually the one we were thinking it was.
8. When I returned to the room, watched the last part Swan Song 5.22 with roomies and had a good chuckle at her reaction to the end. Now that she has seen them, we don’t need to bite our tongues.
9. Lining up to register tonight and finding two women who had come from Britain, one from Northern Ireland one from London, for the convention. Another woman is here with her husband and teenage son in tow. This is her second Vancon one and she told us some great stories about last year including buying a round of drinks at a local bar for Jensen,Daneel and their friends. She went up to him and thanked him for being charming and admitted that she never would have done that had it not been for the two crantinis she’d consumed. Haha.
10. Registration went without a hitch and I got a fabulous huge picture of Jensen as a freebie, part of the weekend package. I also have my seating number for the breakfast. I am so EXCITED!! Starts tomorrow.

salute to supernatural, happy

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