Fic, Like Riding a Bicycle, Supernatural, Bobby

Aug 26, 2010 01:32

Title: Like Riding a Bicycle
Characters: Bobby, OFC.
Ratings: NC-17
Word Count: 5267 (Got out of control)
Summary: Bobby meets an old friend, a friend with benefits as he finds out.
A/N: Written for the spnsupporting table. Thanks to candesgirl who looked it over and deemed it acceptable. :)
Like Riding a Bicycle )

supernatural, fic, challenge

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Comments 7

vanillafluffy August 26 2010, 17:46:39 UTC
*squee* Bobby finally gets lucky! I love you for this. Kate is a strong, realistic character, and your look at Bobby's conflictedness is honest. The ending is queite a shockeroo---will there be more?

Pretty please, could you post this at singer_salvage?


dragonlit August 27 2010, 02:58:40 UTC
Lol! After Jim Beaver's remark at the SDCC about hell freezing over before Bobby got some, I figured this at least could be the place. (I love your icon btw - can I steal?)

As to more, I'd like to develop that, so we'll leave that at a definite maybe.

Thanks for reading hun and yes, I posted over there. :)


vanillafluffy August 27 2010, 03:56:45 UTC
By all means, share the Bobby love!

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Hell froze over next season. It's no more improbable than some of the other stuff they've pulled off.


kimboosan August 27 2010, 02:47:31 UTC
Oh this was wonderful - as usual you capture such moving, heartfelt poignancy in what should by rights just be a little PWP. Beautiful! Kate was an awesome character; she was using Bobby, that was clear, but she was not doing so without compassion, she was gave him so much in return! The sex was burning hot as well, passionate without being, as Bobby would say, "all Harlequin" about it.

And the evil woman you! LOL!


dragonlit September 1 2010, 01:10:24 UTC
I'm so glad you liked the story. I was a bit worried about the sex part as it's been too long since I've written any of it and frankly wondered if I'd forgotten how it went, much like Bobby. Lol!

And the ending, yes, bwaaaaa! I kinda want to do a when Bobby meets Sammy. Lol!


msninacat August 28 2010, 08:18:29 UTC
Great story! I loved all the little details that connected it with the show. Yay for some Bobby lovin'! ;D


dragonlit September 1 2010, 01:11:20 UTC
Bobby deserves some lovin'!! Thanks for reading and commenting and I'm glad the details worked. :D


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