Star Trek Meme

Apr 10, 2010 18:27

Ganked from candesgirl

1. What is your favorite Star Trek movie? (not including STXI)? Wrath of Khan/Search for Spock. Yes, I know that’s cheating but really they are one long story.

2. What is your favorite scene in STXI? I’ve watched the “DO IT, DO IT, DO IT” scene so many time, because I love hearing and seeing Kirk say that. My favorite though is when he’s riding his bike, just about to enlist, the beginning of it all.

3. When were you first introduced to the Star Trek franchise? TOS but really became enamored with it during TNG.

4. Is there anything Star Trek around the room in which you're currently sitting? Other than the movies, I’ve got my Burger King Spock and a Spock fridge magnet. (There is a theme here.)

5. Vulcan ears are: A) cute, B) sexy, C) neither, D) both. B. Sexy! (Definitely a theme!!)

6. If you could be any other species than human in the Star Trek universe, you would be: Vulcan. It’s only logical

7. Which pet would you rather have: a sehlat or a tribble? Neither seem to be of value but the tribble if I had to chose.

8. Who might you cast in the role of reboot Nurse Chapel? Khan? Other reboot character? This is completely random and absurb but I’d like Tina Fey for Chapel. For Khan, oh let’s stay with the absurd. How about Liam Neeson. I suppose the accent doesn’t work there. ;)

9. Kirk and Spock are: the ultimate story of friendship.

10. If you could give any Star Trek character a chance to be captain of the Enterprise, who would it be? I think Chekov would be quite amusing to see. I can do zat!!

BONUS. Think fast! Give one Star Trek quote from memory. "Live long and prosper.” I know, standard but it was the first one that came to mind.

start trek, meme

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