This seemed so right!

Feb 06, 2010 01:14

Picked up the girly magazine that I get monthly, a gift subscription. And no, not that kind of girly one. The kind that has fashion and such in it. Read my horoscope for the month of February which I have to reproduce here:

You're craving a change of scenery, so travel anywhere you can. ("I need to blow this pop stand!") You're hungry for adventure, and you want to learn more. Sign up for a course. Go back to school. Visit museums, galleries, libraries and other stimulating places. Meet people fromother countries and different cultures. Use every opportunity you can to expand your experience, because you have the energy and desire to do so this month. Use it! Act now.

This is eerily accurate given that prior to reading it, I had started looking for courses to take and of course, I'm taking that cruise. It's fun to see how these horoscopes sometimes hit right on the mark. :)
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