The Sky is Clear!!

Jan 16, 2010 09:32

This may not seem like earth-shattering news, but in this part of the world, in January, it is a rare occurrence. The rain has been oppressive over the last few weeks. I was just grateful that yesterday, the rain had stopped for a few hours, long enough to take my dogs for a decent walk.

This day looks promising on several notes. I actually got a night of eight hours sleep with only one awakening by the dogs. The medication, insulin, has finally taken hold for my little diabetic dear and the need to relieve her little bladder has returned to near normal. It had been at the least every two hours prior for the more than a month so my sleep pattern was completely out of whack. I still have catch-up to do for the sleep and had planned to go back to bed but then when I opened the door to let the girls out this morning, I saw that achingly blue sky. I need to take advantage of the sunshine, dig out a pair of sunglasses, comfy waterproof walking shoes (still soggy on the trails) and get out in it.

My brain has held a germ of a story for months, a twisted idea that has now grown and found some form. The walk last night solidified some of the meanderings and I feel the need to start writing it. I think a brief sketch of it is mandatory before I head out for that walk. Crescent beach seems like a good destination, always a good place for me for reflection and walks.

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