Five Things Meme

Mar 03, 2009 22:52

I asked candesgirl if I could play and she gave me five words that she associated with me:

Star Wars

My commentary on these words is behind the cut as I tend to ramble

Vancouver, the most gorgeous city in Canada, set at the mouth of the Fraser River, the ocean to the west, the mountains to the north. Cosmopolitan, multicultural, my adopted home. I can’t imagine living anywhere else in this country that is mine.

Dragons - an interesting one. I’ve always been a fantasy hound and could never get enough, reading it voraciously starting as a child. My first love was the CS Lewis Narnia series of books and I’ve read them more times than I can remember. I moved onto reading science fiction and found myself searching out female authors as they tended to have strong female characters that I could relate to. Women, I found wrote more character driven science fiction than the techno driven stories written by men, at least at the time. Marion Zimmer Bradley was my favourite with her Darkover series but I digress. I soon found Anne Mccaferty and her Pern series. Those books grabbed me and the focal point of them was the dragons. Before obtaining the backstory, which was that the planet was colonized by people from earth, you are introduced to this almost medieval culture complete with travelling bards. It also had dragons but the dragons of Pern were genetically engineered in order to protect Pern from a threat, so the sci-fi aspect was a big part of the world. The dragons were also telepathic and connected with a human upon hatching. The added bonus was that the dragons were very sexual creatures and when they mated, their human counterparts could feel their passions. Very *cough* moving! I think those dragons are the ones I always relate to when I think of dragons now rather than the bad seed dragons.

Boats - I have one, a 32 foot Bayliner. This kind of relates to my reading as a child as well. There is a series of books, Swallows and Amazons that take place in the Lake District in England. The children sailed and that always made me want to try sailing. The boat I own isn’t a sailboat but it does get me out on the water. The boat was bought after a brief stint riding motorcycles. My SO was a novice rider and manage to severely damage his body. I decided that I really didn’t want to spend my time nursing him back to health after about, oh, the fourth incident of bone breakage. A boat seemed like a much safer recreational pastime. Add to the fact that I live on coast with amazing scenery, islands, inlets (see also Vancouver above) and it’s really a dream come true.

Star Wars, my first real fandom that I got into in a huge way!! I will always remember the excitement and rush I felt. I’d seen all the Star Wars movies and loved them but they really hadn’t grabbed me by the throat until I saw Revenge of the Sith which hooked me bad! I was crazy mad for evil Anakin!! I still get tingly thinking about him and Obi-Wan and the two of them together. Okay, so some of them together is not exactly canon but whatever. I went searching on-line for more information and discovered the world was full of others equally or more obsessed than I was. It was a fabulous discovery!! And on top of that, through that fandom, I started writing again. That was also how I met the lovely woman who I got this meme from and who has changed my life for the better.

Writing - I love it and find myself happiest when I’m immersed in it. It lets me disappear into other worlds fandom ones and originals of my own mind. Right at the moment, I have major writer’s block which sucks!! If I could write for a living, I’d probably be poor but that would be my dream job.

Comment to this post and I will give you five things/subjects I associate with you!!


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