Fandom Participation Meme

Jan 18, 2009 22:27

First seen in severinne 's lj.

How many fandoms do you actively participate in (reading, writing and/or commenting)?
Five - Life on Mars, Doctor Who, Ashes to Ashes, Torchwood and State of Play.

How many fandoms do you lurk in?
Well, I do have a read of Devil’s Whore and now Demons although those are both fairly new. Also mostly lurking in the Ashes to Ashes as I really haven’t commented much. I do read the occasional Harry Potter story when it’s rec’d to me now.

How many fandoms have you actively participated in (include current #s)?
Six - Star Wars, Harry Potter, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Life on Mars, State of Play

How many fandoms have you lurked in?
Probably about half a dozen.  When I read fanfic though, if I like it I do tend to comment which I presume is considered participation rather than lurking.

How many fandoms do you currently write in?
Two - Life on Mars and Doctor Who. I did write a Torchwood story at Christmas but am not really inspired by it anymore.

How many fandoms do you currently read in?
Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes, Doctor Who, State of Play, and by association Supernatural but only through my friend’s lj. So really four, if you discount Supernatural.

How many fandoms have you written in (include current #s)?
Five - Star Wars, Harry Potter, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Life on Mars

How many fandoms have you read in (include current #s)?
Hard to gauge if you take the past into consideration and the one-off’s I’ve read…probably about twenty.

If you write, do you write Gen, Slash, Het or a combination?
I’d have to say I’ve written mostly slash. I have written quite a bit of gen too from an emo or humorous pov. I’ve written het but that was in Star Wars and Harry Potter I think, and in my original fic.

Do you read Gen, Slash, Het or a combination?
My main interest is Slash but I do read a fair bit of gen if it is written well. I’ve read some very well written het stuff but just because I like the authors and not because I was looking for it.


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