Fic: The Gift - Life on Mars Sam/Gene

Dec 08, 2008 21:10

Title: The Gift
Author: dragonlit
Recipient: candesgirl
Characters: Sam/Gene
Rating: Brown Cortina
Word Count: 1846 (oops!)
Notes/Warnings: Writen for the martianholiday fic exchange with the prompt request of "This the kind of present you give everyone. As I know the lovely candesgirl has a wee bit of a glove fetish, I thought I'd give her that. Some slight non-con
Summary: Sam volunteered to be the duty officer on Christmas Eve and finds an unopened gift under the CID’s tree addressed to him.

Ray and Chris proved to be the last stragglers of the night, Ray escorting Chris out by a firm grasp on the back waistband of Chris’ trousers.
That’s gotta be some wedgy, Sam thought through the slight haze of scotch, scotch that had flowed through the Yuletide gathering in CID. The two generous drinks he’d had hit him hard, a combination of exhaustion and lack of food adding to the fog. Christmas Eve meant family and as Sam had none here, he had offered to be the primary officer on duty allowing the others to spend time with their loved ones. He had joined in the gift exchange but felt that the best gift he could give this adopted motley crew that he now thought of as his, was the gift of the night off. The irony of receiving a pristine copy of Just Jugs from his anonymous Santa added to the loneliness that started to nip at the edges of his mind. The tree Annie had insisted on decorating although now barren underneath, still twinkled, the tinsel catching the little light that remained in the room.

He gathered the torn shreds of discarded paper and placed the unwrapped gifts casually left behind underneath the lowest bows of the tree. One gift remained unopened and he wondered who had been left out or had been missing. He could think of no one. He pulled the solitary present from its hiding place tucked away in the back. The card read “To Tyler”. His brows furrowed as he turned the package over in his hand. He wondered if was from Annie, a sympathy present, atonement for the relationship that had never gone beyond the kiss they had shared on his return. No, she would have labelled it ‘Sam’ not ‘Tyler.’

He looked around pointlessly, hoping that whoever had left it had remained behind to see him open it. The only movement was the tinsel trembling in the slight breeze of the turning of his head. He sat down at his desk, placed the thin box in front of him and contemplated. Perhaps, he’d wait for Christmas morning so he had something to bring a spark of the season to his day. He shoved it to the back of the desk and stood, needing a good dose of cold water splashed on his face to clear away the effects of the celebration. His footsteps echoed in the corridor as he made his way to the loo and back again.

“Are you going to open that?”

Sam leapt from his chair at the sound and saw Gene leaning against the door frame of his office.

“Shit, Gene. You scared the hell out of me. Thought you’d gone home.”

“I did but the missus… well, she hasn’t made it back from her family’s yet. Didn’t feel like poking around the house alone. So you going to open it?”

“You mean this?” Sam asked picking up the package. Gene nodded.

“This from you then?” Sam asked and when Gene again nodded, said, “I didn’t get you anything.”

“Just open the bloody thing Tyler,” Gene said walking over, hoisting one hip onto Sam’s desk and sucking at a half full bottle of single malt, before handing it to Sam.

Sam waved the bottle away, knowing anymore would dull his already blurred senses.

“I’m on duty, Guv, remember?”

“Right. Duty. Doesn’t stop you from opening the box though.”

Sam turned it over in his hands, wondering why on earth the Guv would have given him a gift and now wondering what the hell it could possibly be.

“I was thinking on waiting until tomorrow, you know, give me something to open Christmas Day and all,” Sam smiled at Gene.

“It is Christmas Day. Twelve ten by my watch,” Gene said holding his wrist out for Sam to see. “Now open it.”

Sam looked at the flushed face in front of him, an expression of anticipation plastered on it, the kind of expression he’d seen on Maya’s face as she waited to see if Sam would like his gift. The last time he’d seen that intense a look was on his last birthday when Sam had opened his gift to find a pair of handcuffs. Sam grinned at the memory and at the twitch he felt between his legs. He chuckled, doubting this gift would provide the same kind of reaction.

“Alright then,” Sam smiled, “I’ll open it but I’m not sure why you got me a gift.”

“Would you shut your mouth and just open the damn thing,” Gene growled.

Sam clawed at the thick paper and tore at the ribbon.

“Had it wrapped professional-like,” Gene said as Sam struggled to open it.

Finally, the wrapping gave way and Sam lifted the lid from the box. The tissue inside still hid the gift from view and was held in place by a gold sticker. He fumbled with the sticker trying not to tear at it but his heart soared with the excitement he remembered as a child, the joy of Christmas returning. When the tissue was peeled back, Sam recognized the smell of leather that wafted at him from a pair of black driving gloves, twins to those that Gene wore. Sam felt the blood rush to his cheeks as he remembered nights of fantasy that revolved around those same gloves, the times in the Cortina he had lifted those gloves to his nose and inhaled, imagining how they would feel against his hard flesh. He knew exactly how he was going to be spending his Christmas Day at the end of his shift and swallowed hard, hesitating before looking up at Gene. He thanked the fates that he was seated behind his desk and evidence of what was whirling in his mind and transferred to his now semi-erect shaft was hidden from view.

“Um, I don’t know what to say,” Sam stumbled. “Thanks.”

“I’ve seen you eyeing my gloves, Tyler and I don’t want to see mine go missing. Now you’ve got your own.”

“So that was your motivation,” Sam said standing up, shuffling around to reposition himself and grabbing the bottle of whiskey to take a long pull on it.

Gene leapt at him and before Sam could react, Gene had grabbed the open plackets of his shirt and slammed him against the wall, knocking the breath out of him.

“Bloody hell Gene! You’d offered me a sip,” he weezed.

“I’ve seen you Tyler. I’ve seen you sniffing at my gloves when you thought I wasn’t looking, watched your eyes roll back in your head. Don’t think I don’t know what you were thinking,” Gene growled. “Those gloves I just gave you are my size, not sized to fit your girly fingers. My motivation as you call it, was to take those gloves and make you show me what they do to you.”

Gene pressed his body against Sam and there was no mistake in Sam’s mind what Gene was now planning on giving him as a gift. The hard evidence was obvious as Gene ground into him. Sam’s breath that had been so viciously knocked out of him now returned in shallow gasps.

“Instead, I think I’ll just show you what they are going to do,” Gene said chuckling.

He jerked Sam around so his face was pressed against the wall and skilfully undid the belt and fastenings to Sam’s trousers.

“Stay there,” Gene commanded and backed away. This turn of events had paralyzed Sam and he didn’t think he had the clarity of mind to do anything but obey. He had been so careful to ensure Gene had been nowhere in the vicinity when he had fondled the small scraps of leather. A moment later, Sam felt Gene’s hands tug his pants down and force Sam’s foot out of one leg. Gene’s leather-clad hand ran up the inside of Sam’s thigh and brush over his balls, drawing out a shudder from Sam.

“Is this what you’ve been fancying when you plastered my glove to your face, Sammy boy?” Gene said skimming his hand around to grasp Sam’s solid erection and moving his own toward the cleft in Sam’s cheeks. “Answer me.”


“Yes, what? Tell me what you imagine me doing?” Gene moved his hand slowly up Sam’s cock.

“You’re moving your hand like that, but harder.” Sam scarcely believed he was putting words to his nightly fantasies.

“Like this, then,” Gene said grasping it firmly and tugging. Sam could do nothing but nod, holding back the moans of a fantasy come to light.

“And then what, Sam? Do you imagine that I’m going to stretch you and shove my cock inside you?”

“God yes, Gene. Please,” Sam replied, not giving a shit that his mouth was spilling all this to his homophobic DCI, not caring what the consequences would be, needing only to feel Gene inside him. He felt himself tense as the cool lube tickled his skin but relaxed and opened himself as first one then two of Gene’s fingers pressed inside him.

“Now you’re going to get it hard and fast, Tyler,” Gene growled burying himself in one thrust inside Sam. Sam surrendered himself to the welcome sting as he felt himself stretched around Gene’s cock and to the mindless thrusts as Gene pounded into him, one leather hand still firmly clasped around his shaft, the other pressing into his stomach, holding him firmly. His fantasy had been transformed into a reality of pleasure as he quickly came, like a teenager in heat and rode out the waves of his orgasm, finally hearing Gene succumb too. Gene sagged against Sam’s back and whisper, “Happy Christmas.”

Sam pushed the heavy body upright and felt Gene’s limp cock fall out of him. He felt the liquid trickle out and stared at his stomach and the wall. He’d have to take care of both before the cleaning staff came in, he thought and then laughed.

“I’m glad I at least amused you,” Gene said.

“Didn’t think I’d been caught with your gloves, I must admit,” Sam said. “Guess I’m not so clever then.”

“Well, the man if finally willing to admit he could be wrong. This is a joyous occasion indeed,” Gene said. “Glad I could be of service to the department.”

“You certainly were of service,” Sam chuckled and shook his head, not sure what the hell all this had meant. "This the kind of present you give everyone?"

“Not bloody likely. Just some picky arse DIs who put their noses where they don’t belong,” Gene smiled. “Since you’re not likely to stop that, I just thought I could show you the consequences.”

“Those consequences aren’t likely to stop me now though, are they?” Sam said.

“I certainly hope not.”

Sam looked up and found mistletoe conveniently hanging above Gene. He moved over to press his lips gently against Gene’s, praying that when he opened his eyes, this wouldn’t have all been another delusion.

“Mistletoe,” he said, pointing up. “Happy Christmas, Guv.”

“And many more to come,” Gene smiled.

fic, sam/gene, life on mars

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