Just when I want to or need to talk to someone, I find myself just not knowing who to talk to.
All these friends on Facebook and not one of them seems like the “right” person. I don’t even know who the right person is or could be but I just don’t see a face to trust this hurt to.
Yesterday at school I literally feel like I was bullied by people in my cohort. Future therapist in the making just making jokes behind my back where I was obviously not included or taking part of the joke and also just casually didn’t include me on their converation. I might as well have not been there, just totally ignored as if I wasn’t important enough to be considered in their circle.
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t demand to be in anyone’s circle but it sure would be nice to be asked. There’s also a distinct difference between having enough people in your group, and just not including someone. I don’t know maybe they had enough people but they surely also didn’t check in with me to see if I needed a group or seem to consider that I might want to be part of theirs.
Bullying is so grade school and I just sometimes is blown away by witnessing it in my adult life.
Social exclusion is an adult type of bullying. If you are not inviting or checking in with someone just because you don’t like them, then you might as well be bullying them.
Sure I am not the popular guy. I am not socially graceful. I am not all that attractive but I know I am smart as hell.
I really shouldn’t let it get to me, but when the people making fun of me know I had a long day, that I am tired and the joke is about me not being able to recall someone’s name, then you are an asshole plain and simple.
Have some fucking compassion for osmeone that works nights who might be having a hard time and running on lack of sleep.
I sure as hell didn’t feel that compassion today and from people who want to be therapist, it’s scary.