Sep 27, 2008 17:34
1. Is there a TV in your home, and if so, how many hours of television do you watch per day? The, umm, TV has to be plugged in and ON, and cannot just be a flowerpot. If you have used a sledgehammer on your TV, or put your foot or other object through the TV, you may skip this question and skip right to question #6.
Lately I've watched maybe an hour of tv. sometimes two. I've spent most of my time either on the computer or at work.
2. Karl Rove is a douchebag? Yes No Discussion?
Karl Rove can NOT suck my proverbial cock because he is that big of a douche. (if that makes sense, if it doesn't, sorry. I'm trying to say he's the douche of douches.)
3. What does your bumper sticker read?
The last bumper sticker I had said "And We Still Chant"
4. On the morning of election day, what will you be having for breakfast?
Cereal and coffee.... and probably a barf bag depending on who wins.
5. Can you snark in more than one language? Pig Latin totally counts here.
Heh, 4 realz I $nrk !n l33t.
6. Humble pie, or Schadenfreude Pie?
Schadenfreude ....making the world a better place. :)
7. Cake or death?
I'll take the chicken.
8. What would Sarah Palin’s 6th child be named?
Fellatio, it's French!
9. Could you, would you, with a fox? Discuss.
No but your mom is kinda cute. :)
10. What’s the weirdest thing you recycle/grow in your yard/create using art/call a hobby?
I camp for 2 weeks in August wearing funny clothing and encourage people to beat each other with sticks. (I'm in the SCA)