(no subject)

Dec 06, 2006 18:46

by Paul Pascal

Patty-cake, patty-cake,
Marcus Antonius
What do you think of the
African Queen?

Duties require my
Presence in Egypt. Ya
Know what I mean?

The above is an example of the Double Dactyl verse form, which I discovered because someone ordered the book Jiggery-Pokery: A Compendium of Double Dactyls (Anthony Hecht and John Hollander). So swiftly I found it, and so soon I will be mailing it to parts unknown! The heart bleeds.

Normally I swear I'm not easily distracted by our awesome books, but today I have failed.

Right, back to work.

PS. Soft-Eyed Boy has not returned during any of my shifts, but my manager tells me he came in over the weekend and bought $105 worth of books: a Bible, and something so random I can't remember it just now. Go figure.
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