Finally, Lost Odyssey has been matched for "Only Great Console JRPG this gen"
Definitely worth picking up via import for us in NA (or yar har, fiddle de de, I guess :p) Modding the Wii is pretty easy, I hear, but I'm running it on Dolphin, and it's beautiful at 1920x1080
More at my XB album, updated kinda often :p Needless to say, if you have the specs for Dolphin, that's definitely the way to go :)
62 hours in, and I'm still not done with the main story, and definitely still not done exploring everything and beating up all these high-level monsters that lurk around the zones and scare me when I run into them. Then there's about 300 more quests to do, and all the post game stuff after... won't finish in time for Skyrim (WRPG goty, and destroyer of lives, relationships, and Mountain dew supplies everywhere)