I went to see Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D over the weekend. It was pretty fun, if at times nauseatingly family-friendly. I don't think its a stretch to say that Jules Verne's novel contributed a great deal to the idea of the Underdark, so its only approriate that several scenes in the movie that I'd really like to base aome encounters on. While I was watching, I couldn't help but think to myself, "wow, those are great terrain features", and I couldn't help but imagine battles with Mind Flayers or Drow amidst giant petrified mushroom forests, or on a bridge of floating magnetic rocks over a mysteriously green-glowing chasm. There's also a scene where the characters find themselves on a precariously thin sheet of
muscovite which threatens to collapse and drop them to their doom. That could make a great hazard for an underdark encounter as well.
Anyway, its a fun movie, and I recommend it. Back to work now,