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Nov 13, 2008 11:43

Last night we played D&D online via RP Tools' Maptool program. I gotta say, it was fun as hell. We started out just giving the program a trial run to see how we liked it, but after the first hour we were just playing D&D and having fun. I played Tor, my on-again-off-again human greatweapon fighter. I like this character. I've played him a grand total of three times, since I'm almost always DM'ing, but he's really effective as a defender, and he can almost keep up with the strikers in damage output. There's nothing quite like rolling 1d12+41 damage on a critical hit at first level.

Next week I take over as DM, and I'm looking forward to using the map tool to do things I couldn't do at a traditional game table. For one thing, I effectively have an infinite battle map, which I plan to take advantage of. I'm also looking forward to starting a full fledged campaign with this group of friends, since we used to have so much fun when we all lived in the same area. Now we can play D&D over the internet. Crazy.

On that note, one of the players wanted her elf rogue to have the ability turn into a cat. Not a big, ferocious, man-eating, African savannah cat, but a common, ordinary housecat. This is very cool. She was even willing to trade her elven racial power for this cat form power. This could be a very cool power in specific situations, and it has limitless potential for rp scenarios. I'm even thinking of some racial feats for her to use in cat form, feats that will allow her to shift through an opponent's space and other cool stuff. I appreciate when a player is willing to take a character in an interesting direction, and I look foward to the adventures of Mier, elven werecat.

- Nick
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